Understanding temperature profile

Thanks for responding. I’ve read the description so I understand the portion you wrote above but my confusion is whether Cool 1 and Cool 2 are added together when my A/C runs both stages at the same time. I believe, anyway, that cool 2 is when both compressors are running. If that’s true, then I can get .9F/hr cooling vs. .7/hr in that example above?

No, they don’t add together. Sometimes this can get confusing depending on how you interpret staging. Some people think of “stage 1” and “stage 2” as two separate and distinct things, and other people think of them as one thing that has a “low” and “high” mode.

In beestat things are always displayed so that you don’t have to do any math. So when your ecobee is running stage 1 cool only, your indoor delta is -0.2. When your ecobee is running stage 2 cool, your indoor delta is -0.7. You should never sum those two values.

Sorry for reviving an old thread, but I have a negative slope in my temperature profile and found this thread when searching today.

My original theory was that I have an old steam system that is more efficient the more it’s used (it has to do with keeping the basement cast iron hot), and that’s what this was reflecting.

However, when I read your comment it got me wondering. At night, I go to a comfort profile where only my upstairs sensor is active, and it is significantly warmer upstairs than downstairs in my house.

Is there any way you might be able to tell what’s going on here? Or might there be an option to force the profile to calculate using all sensors?

Thank you!

That could definitely be a factor. For cooler outdoor temperatures (because it’s the evening) you would likely see “worse” AC performance and the profile would reflect it.

Beestat can’t pick and choose the sensors for the profile generation; it runs of the single temperature that is displayed on the thermostat.

One thing you could try is to use the “Ignore Solar Gain” setting in beestat. This would limit the profile to only capture data between sunset and sunrise (the night).