Analyze tab not showing stage 2

I have a 2 stage heat pump which did calculate stage 2 for heating but I’m not seeing it for cooling. I have been manually kicking the temp down so stage 2 kicks on for cooling all week, about 8 hours of runtime, but the lastest temp profile still doesn’t show anything for stage 2 cooling. Surely that is enough runtime, but would 1 week be enough data?

It really depends on a number of things. If you send me your thermostat serial number I can take a look and maybe give a little more insight.



It’s close, but needs just a bit more data. Beestat requires at least 5 unique outdoor temperatures and for each outdoor temperature it requires at least two samples. You have three unique outdoor temperatures so far. Shouldn’t be too much longer, but be aware that the more data you can get the more accurate the profile will be.


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Great, thanks for digging into this.

One thing that isn’t helping is that EcoBee’s outside temp isn’t terribly accurate to my actual outside temp.

I’ll manually run stage 2 and I should have an upgraded graph next update.