Beestat logo design

Any graphic designers or artists that want to take a crack at the beestat logo? I spent about zero time on both versions. They’re “good enough”, but I’ve always wanted something better.

The name “beestat” was meant to be a play on the words ecobee, thermostat, and statistic. I do have to avoid any marks taken directly from the ecobee logo.

Would love to see some more creative ideas than mine. I wasn’t really a fan of putting the letters “bs” together in the logo, but hey, it worked. :slight_smile:


I (mostly) use this color palette:

blue:        light: "#4b7bec", base: "#3867d6", dark: "#1f4ebd"
bluegray:    light: "#37474f", base: "#2f3d44", dark: "#263238"
bluegreen:   light: "#2bcbba", base: "#0fb9b1", dark: "#00867e"
gray:        light: "#d1d8e0", base: "#a5b1c2", dark: "#8c9bb1"
green:       light: "#26de81", base: "#20bf6b", dark: "#20b364"
lightblue:   light: "#45aaf2", base: "#2d98da", dark: "#147fc1"
orange:      light: "#fd9644", base: "#fa8231", dark: "#f97218"
purple:      light: "#a55eea", base: "#8854d0", dark: "#6f3bb7"
red:         light: "#fc5c65", base: "#eb3b5a", dark: "#d63652"
yellow:      light: "#fed330", base: "#f7b731", dark: "#f6ae18"
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Seems like the Bee is up for grabs now. For better or worse.

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I really liked the bee!

The bee was looking for work. :slight_smile:

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