Also new here and this feature would be immensely helpful in my situation.
My home is a green certified 2.0 built home but also has a good amount of sq feet to condition with some high ceilings. Individual thermostat graphs are nice, but the true value of the data is hidden and not easy to see due to all the zoning. Zones are driven by ecoJay controllers.
My Setup (8 bee’s):
- Upstairs as 5 zones (one per bedroom) which runs off a single system (2.5ton)
- Main level and lower level as 2 zones run on a single (3.5ton). The main level has some tall open air two story rooms that mix conditioning with the upstairs.
- Inlaw quarters with a single zone on a single system (2 ton)
As you would imagine, looking at one thermostats data isn’t very helpful. Would love to be able to actually understand the efficiency of things as a home/system rather than zones.
Also this feature request which was recently “Closed” because the data can be derived from “Temperature Profiles” but unfortunately that only applies if you have a single zone/system. Would love to be able to “combine” data from multiple thermostats.
Based on temperature profiles, project temperatures where HVAC equipment would no longer satisfy demand