Display data in PC local time or thermostat local time?

Migrated from:

I figured it out, I'm using Firefox and tweaked the fingerprinting setting. This came back when I searched the web:

timezone shifting can happen when you tweak the privacy.resistFingerprinting preference in about:config.

ziebelje commented on Dec 4, 2019


  • Continue relying on Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone; and moment to pick the correct time zone
  • Do some moment configuration to set the time zone to the thermostat time zone

ke4roh commented on Feb 11, 2020

I’m going to recommend using the thermostat time zone. When I was in Germany trying to program my thermostat in North Carolina, it was a bit nuts. The Ecobee app wouldn’t let me set the times I wanted because they had already passed on my phone!

Could some one point me to the location where I can change the setting to display the Beestat data in the Thermostat’s timezone? I’m using Beestat on Android devices that have Google Chrome as the default browser and the Ecobee app seems to display with the Thermostat’s timezone.
Thank you in advance.