I have been watching my Beestat profile to gather data about my new heat pump now that its very cold outside. Unknown to me at the time, it appears the thermostat lost power a few times yesterday. This shows up as a blank spot on the graphs. The first outage happened after the heat pump had been running for 13 hours and it lasted for 20 minutes. What would cause this?
I have a similar situation where, in the past 3 days, 3 of my thermostats (ecobee) switch themselves to OFF (from HEAT). Also has been extremely cold these past few days here in Westchester, NY.
If it’s not WiFi or anything like that, sometimes with gas furnaces there’s a high limit switch that can get triggered which often cuts power to the thermostat and causes it to reboot.
Edit: Heat pumps don’t really have this problem, but I suppose there could still be some issue there. Are you able to catch this happening? Is the thermostat rebooting or is it possibly a network issue?
I was home all day but I dont remember losing internet. However if I zoom in enough there were times the ecobee lost connection when the heat pump was not running. I think it was an internet connection issue and it was not power loss triggered by the heat pump.
Mine appears to have disconnected for approximately 12 minutes on January 24th at 6:40 am (it was in recovery mode trying to heat the house before my “home” comfort setting), and it also disconnected for 31 minutes on January 25th at 5:35 am (same recovery mode as the first incident). I was concerned that this was happening, so later in the day on the 25th, I powered off the furnace, which also powered off the Ecobee, and then I powered the furnace back on. The disconnecting has not occurred since then.
I was having the same problem about a month ago. Thanks to some help from the Ecobee Facebook group, I changed my thermostat WiFi to 2.4ghz from 5ghz, and assigned a static ip….no problems since then.