Real data is OK. Thermostat heat/cool settings are not displayed for the last 12 days. If I set days = 7, the data is there.
Any interest in describing what is going on here? When I set days=24, I see all my temperature data EXCEPT not the thermostat heat/cool settings for the LAST 12 days. If I set days=12 or less, I see all the heat/cool settings for all displayed days.
Can you upload a couple screenshots of this one showing the difference?
14 days also works!!
FWIW, I can recapitulate the issue.
Seems to work fine for up to 17 days. For 18 days and higher, the heat/cool setpoint is only displayed for the first half of the time period (i.e. the first 9 days of the 18 days).
I started a bug for this: Heat/cool setpoint line disappears when date range set too long · Issue #414 · beestat/app · GitHub
It’s being caused by the “step” attribute of that series which is the more accurate way to show the data. For some reason turning that attribute off fixes the problem. This will take more investigation as I don’t really want to disable that.
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