More info in popups please

Great program. I use it to track the performance of my new heat pump (and old gas heating).
If I want to see the details, I have to turn off the outside temperature. Otherwise the indoor set point and temperature are just one line, since those and the outside temp are plotted with the same scaling (never a great idea in the first place when the difference can be 40C). So I have to switch back and forth to correlate with outside temperature.
Surely the pop-up could also still show the outdoor temperature - there’s plenty of space.
You are only allowing one jpeg, but you know what the other one would look like.

I think you need to turn outdoor back on, refresh the pop up and then outside temp will show within the popup.

Yes, as I said, I can keep switching back and forth between the detail view and this somewhat useless one:

I agree. It has been a week of around 35°C differences between inside and outside temps here and I’m trying to figure out how my new ecobee works vs my old Nest in controlling our heat pump. beestat has been very enlightening but I too have been frustrated by the outside temperature in the pop up being missing when it isn’t being plotted since you have to turn off the plotting to see any detail of the set point and actual inside temperature.
P.S. I just joined this forum to post about this exact problem. I immediately saw that I’m not alone!

@hpl @Ikonography

Check now. I updated that tooltip to show all values regardless of whether or not you have them enabled.


Excellent! Thank you.

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Works perfectly! Thanks for the quick response.

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