Temp sensor inconsistency in Beestat views

I have multiple ecobee temperature sensors and put one in my attic to assess whether it’s adequately ventilated.

The problem is Beestat is reporting via sensor detail ~10 degF higher than the instantaneous value as reported by both Beestat and the native app. Is this an issue with the sensor, how the data is logged, Beestat, or something else?

Just following up. Am I overlooking something?

Could you send me your data export from ecobee’s website for the time period around when you screenshotted this? Make sure to include your thermostat serial number. You can upload here or send to contact@beestat.io

@theonlykman Try disabling the humidity temperature correction in the Ecobee app and see if the two temperatures start to agree after that change. I saw the same thing you did until I changed that setting. See more here: Room Sensor Temperatues Don't Match Sensor Detail Graph · Issue #415 · beestat/app · GitHub

I actually found keeping that setting disabled results in a more stable temperature reading because only my thermostat (not the room sensors) provide any humidify information and that sensor is noisy, which means my AC cycles off/on less just because the temperature doesn’t fluctuate wildly.

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