Unable to connect my Ecobee

Every time I try to connect my Ecobee account I get this error.

{"success":false,"data":{"error_message":"Database query failed.","error_code":1206}}

Oddly enough, Ecobee sends me an email that I have granted access to beestat every time I tried it.

Not sure why it won’t connect. I do have 2-factor authentication, but I am able to log in directly to ecobee.com without issue. I have two Ecobee4 “SmartThermostat with Voice Control” and no other ecobee devices. Help would be appreciated.

Exact same issue. New beestat user, after authenticating at ecobee immediately get the same error.

Still can’t connect it. Any help?

@PartPhys, @Omniver: This issue should now be resolved. Thank you for letting me know! Let me know if you have any other trouble.

Excellent, thank you so much!

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