Just discovered this project (from a discussion on reddit) and quickly turned up a server. I followed the steps on the Notion site but did them a bit back-assward. I have a domain so skipped ahead to setting up the services, created the SSL cert, validated everything was working up to that point. I then went to ecobee, selected Developer, Create New, Auth & Method, URI is https://beestat.mydomain.com/api/ecobee_initialize.php (with ‘mydomain’ obviously changed to my domain).
Keep getting a pop-up from ecobee stating “Ouch, something has gone wrong. Restart me and let’s give this one more try.” Tried several times from Firefox and Chrome, same results. Logged out of ecobee, back in, same results.
Whoogle returns posts from 5 years up to yesterday with this problem but a search here didn’t come back with anything.
Unfortunately ecobee has currently blocked users from registering new developer apps. There’s no way around it and no clear communication on when, or if, it’s ever coming back. Wish I had better news.
Well, that’s disappointing but unsurprising I suppose. You hope that executives would have learned from the mistakes of MyQ and others but now companies like Bambu are following suit. Apparently, a race to the bottom to maximize profits is more important than supporting your loyal user base. I guess I should start thinking about thermostat alternatives for the day when my ecobee Home Assistant automations stop working.
Well, looks like this was a stellar project and I certainly appreciate the efforts you put into it.